Hook Up Apps For Open Relationships


Here's a list of 10 best hookup apps of 2019 which you can download right now to have some casual affairs or flings whenever you want to. Dec 06, 2021 Despite any hesitation, you’re far from the only one who’s looking to only hook up. On that note, welcome to the wide world of online hookup sites and apps.

Being gay isn’t what it used to be. As “gay and lesbian” has evolved and expanded into “LGBTQI,” various aspects of LGBTQI, particularly gay relationships, have also opened up to become more inclusive as well.

Even in the most conservative Donald Trump-supporting circles, they’re not strictly parties of two anymore. On average, roughly half of the people who proposition me on Grindr on any given day might have a partner or approach me as part of a two-for-one-night couple deal. Everybody seems to want more than one these days, and thanks to Grindr, Tinder, and all the other hook-up apps, the possibilities and opportunities are now endless. According to a 2016 U.K. survey, 41 percent of gay men there are currently in or have previously been in an open relationship. That’s a lot of partnered... and looking.

I’ve never been in an open relationship, but I have been in about a half dozen threesomes, three of which were with couples who presumably were in open relationships (and all of which started offline). It’s been nearly six years since my last one. That swan-song triple play in Bangkok was with a black guy from Philadelphia and a white Australian who had previously been friends without benefits to each other.

Despite the good times, I can honestly say I’ll never have another one, especially not with a couple. I’m so done with partnered... and looking. Threesomes and even twosomes with them are pretty much dead-end streets for the guest star. The hopeless romantic in me likes to think that any sexual encounter could lead to repeats, or more. So for me, hooking up with one or two partnered guys in an open relationship is as pointless as dating a married man. You may have the blessing of the partner/spouse – who may or may not be in attendance – but it’s for one night only. There’s still no future in it.

The romantic limitations of trysting with one or both members of a couple isn’t the only turn-off. Another is the psychology behind some open relationships and the hypocrisy that can be built into them. They’re supposed to be about openness and sexual freedom, but there often seems to be a strong undercurrent of control – for both the couple and the guest star.

I’m neurotic enough as it is with a single guy. Who needs the added pressure to not cross the line and give away that you’re kind of into one or both guys in a couple? Is it really so bad if you want to see one or both of them again and not just for sex? According to two good friends of mine who have an open marriage, that is a definite no-no.

If open relationships are meant to encourage sexual liberation, why do rigid rules and regulations hang over so many of them like a disapproving finger-wagging schoolmarm?

“No cuddling.”

“Oral only.”

“Only when traveling.”

I’ll take an unattached guy without the emotional censorship, thank you very much. At least he’ll allow me to stare into his eyes longingly if the mood strikes. He might even stay for breakfast.

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Despite my unwillingness to cameo in an open relationship, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. I used to cringe at the idea of couples sharing each other sexually, but there’s no longer any judgment here. I still don’t buy the theory that human beings are not monogamous by nature (the way I see it, to be or not to be one-on-one is more an individual inclination than a universal one), but I do understand that there are tons of desirable, attractive people out there. Would nature demand that we eat the same meal three times a day for the rest of our lives?

If only more gay men who preach non-monogamy were willing to go there and admit that they’re addicted to the sampler platter without trying to defend/explain/justify their choice. There’s nothing wrong with being horny and craving variety. Just be honest with yourself and with your partner about what you want and why you want it. In other words, own it.

When couples in open relationships start using science as an excuse to continue playing the field, I start rolling my eyes. The problem with falling back on that old 'Humans are not monogamous by nature” argument is that it implies there’s something unnatural about choosing monogamy. It’s like they’re saying, don’t judge us, but we’re going to judge you. Some people are quite content eating the same meal every day, and nature doesn’t demand anything else of them either.

Another common defense/explanation/justification is the one about ownership: We don’t own our partners or their bodies. If someone is going to be “faithful,” it’s better to have them forsake all others because it’s what they really want to do, not because they feel obligated to do so.

I’d be more on board here if ownership wasn’t implied in the rules and regulations of so many so-called “open” relationships. They’re still, in a sense, all about control. But I do concur with the assessment of romantic obligation. And as the female protagonist of Ayn Rand’s short story “The Husband I Bought” realized, a partner’s sense of obligation may guarantee security but not everlasting one-on-one love. Of course, an open relationship wouldn’t have worked for Rand’s heroine, whose husband had fallen hard for someone else.

What they needed was something without limitations and boundaries, something encompassing more than what an open relationship allows, something more “polyamorous.” Yes, as the word suggests, the third wheel of a threesome doesn’t have to stay that way.

Lately, I’ve been noticing even more gay openness from partnered guys who describe their relationship status as “polyamorous,” which, unsexy tag aside, seems to be the truly liberated flipside of monogamy. It acknowledges that not only is it perfectly normal to be attracted to someone other than your partner, but it’s possible – okay, even – to fall for them as well.

I can’t imagine ever being comfortable in that kind of relationship, but from the outside, the polyamorous suitor makes a far more attractive bedfellow than the traditional “partnered” guy. All those stifling rules and regulations of open relationships can be thrown out the window. And if the lust connection blossoms overnight, you won’t have to cut it short just because the sun’s coming up.

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Hook Up Apps have now become the rescuer for those who are drowning in the sea of empty relationships and loneliness. With the advent of new tech and utilities, it has now become very easy to access and use the Hook Up Apps to get the sexual pleasure you deserve. Here we have prepared the list of “11 Best Hook Up Apps in 2019″ that will help you find the right partner.


  • 1 Top 11 Hook Up Apps in 2019
    • 1.1 1. Tinder – The Best in Hook Up Apps
    • 1.4 3. TrulyMadly Hookup App
    • 1.5 4. Zoosk Hookup App
    • 1.6 5. Adult FriendFinder – No. 1 in Hook Up Apps
    • 1.7 6. Dil Mil
    • 1.8 7. OkCupid – Free Hookup App
    • 1.9 8. Coffee Meets Bagel Hookup App
    • 1.10 9. Sapio
    • 1.11 10. TasteBuds – Hook Up App
    • 1.12 11. Once Hook Up App

Top 11 Hook Up Apps in 2019

Hook Up AppsiOS/AndroidCost
Adult FriendFinderBothFree
Dil MilBothFree
Coffee Meets BagelBothFree

1. Tinder – The Best in Hook Up Apps

Tinder App remains the top grosser of the Online Dating and Hook Up Apps. With its clean design and simple swipe feature, it is the first stop for the majority of newbies. Tinder has an immensely huge database with more than 80% active profiles, so you do not get over with the new matches to swipe.

Tinder App Features

  • It is a location-based app that matches you with people in your vicinity.
  • You do not need to have a Facebook account to login to the Tinder app.
  • The profile setting process is simple with adding 6 photos and a bio of about 500 words.

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2. Blendr – My Favourite in Hook Up Apps

Blendr stands as out in the crowd of online Hook Up Apps due to its features and extremities. It is the not-so-popular app with huge female users. Like Tinder, Blendr also has a location-based system that matches you with people near you so that you can get laid on the go.

Blendr App Features

  • You match with people who are mutual connections in your Facebook, which means you get authentic matches.
  • You have a limited-but-quality option to choose from in potential matches for your profile.
  • The profile setting and completion is a fairly convenient process as it uses Facebook for most of its matches.

3. TrulyMadly Hookup App

TrulyMadly is an indigenously build HookUp App that holds the top position in its genre. The trulymadly app is very new and foolproof. With advanced algorithms and techniques, faking of any kind has been reduced to the greatest extent and authenticity of your match is almost 100%.

TrulyMadly App Features

  • The app has a verification feature that allows users to browse the app only when verified. This elevates the authenticity of the app and the profiles on it.
  • The app has the sole purpose of hook-up and it can get you laid as soon as you enter the app.
  • An amazing UI and tons of exclusive features make is strong opposition to Tinder.

4. Zoosk Hookup App

Zoosk has grown to be one of the largest best Hook Up Apps with over millions of users monthly. Zoosk app features the capability of making both heterogeneous and homogenous matches. The authentication policy of the app assures real and active users with whom you get a chill-pill.

Zoosk AppFeatures

  • The app has an easy-to-use design with the 3-step registration process that ensures the authenticity of the person signing in the app.
  • Both bisexual and homosexual couples can find their one-night stand partners on the Zoosk app.
  • The profile setting process is simple and includes a number of your photos and a small bio that you want your partner to read and have your impression.

5. Adult FriendFinder – No. 1 in Hook Up Apps

Adult FriendFinder is an iconic hook-up app that takes care of your desires and your entertainment. The app provides a legitimate number of active users and also takes care that you get laid. Even if you are not getting laid, it puts up sexual shows that can please you to a certain extent.

Adult FriendFinder App Features

  • The app can put up webcam sexual shows that can please you and get the pleasure.
  • Hookup apps are the sole purpose, and you can set your preferences about the type of partner you would wish for the one-night stand.
  • Adult FriendFinder app is completely free to join and provides everything for free.

6. Dil Mil

Dil Mil is the second rank indigenously build hook up app after Truly Madly. It serves its purpose and can get you the perfect partner very soon. It has a good algorithm and fake proof techniques that allows only active and true members to use the app.

Dil Mil App Features

  • The app has a swipe feature like Tinder. Left swipe means a pass and Right swipe means that you like the profile.
  • The registration process in Dil Mil App seems hefty as it requires many things, but overall it maintains the standards of the app.
  • The authenticity of the users is 100% as the rigorous registration allows verified users to enter the app.

7. OkCupid – Free Hookup App

OkCupid is one of the best free matchmakers hook up apps, It doesn’t require a Facebook account to sign in to the app. The matchmaking algorithms are pretty unique and give you the perfect and real match based on the preferences and options of your profile.

OkCupid App Features

  • The matchmaking is based on a unique search pattern rather than hand-fed matches and suggestions, so you get the ideal matches.
  • The profile setting and completion is a big task here as you need to answer many questions that make the foundation of the matching process.
  • The app gives you more about the match, unlike other hookup apps that give you only a small intro.

Check Out:Top Rated Gay Dating Apps of 2019

8. Coffee Meets Bagel Hookup App

Coffee Meets Bagel is a hookup app that perfectly justifies its existence and gets you laid down with utmost ease. It is not-so-popular but has a great value to those on the database. Coffee Meets Bagel hookup app has features you would not find in any other Hook-Up App.

Features of Coffee Meets Bagel

  • The app has a good feedback collection technique which makes use of those points in matchmaking and finding partners.
  • If you are very choosy, then you can set even the minor preferences like religious beliefs you would like your partner to have.
  • The app also lets you know why you were liked or disliked by the bagel. It gives you room for improving yourself.

9. Sapio

Are Dating Apps Good For Relationships

Sapio Hook up App is for those who are shy and not generally open up to many people. These are basically nerds and geeks having higher intelligence levels than others. So, if you are looking for partners having higher intelligence and can compromise on other factors, Sapio is the perfect spot.

Sapio App Features

  • Intelligence is the key factor in the app as it has users that want intelligent hotties rather than dumb chicks.
  • However, the registration process and profile completion are quite tough as you need to answer any intelligent questions about life and other things.
  • The authenticity of the users is great as only real people will take that much pain to get into the app.

10. TasteBuds – Hook Up App

Tastebuds is an exclusive hook up app that matches you to the people who have similar taste in music. It is available to iOS users only, and you get a variety of opinions for finding the perfect match. The iOS-only availability makes the matches of only iOS people.

TasteBuds App Features

  • The app doesn’t make a compulsion to link your Facebook account to sign in into the app. It’s completely the user’s decision.
  • There are a unique profile setting and completion process that mainly revolves around your musical taste and stuff.
  • The simple and smart UI of the app makes it a great experience for finding the perfect hook up partner.

11. Once Hook Up App

Once is one of the best Hook Up apps with great features and not so great design. Once App has a unique idea and algorithm of matchmaking but lags in some authenticity domains. Though there are some great features which can get you laid but only if you are lucky.

Once App Features

  • Once app lets you sign in directly from your Facebook account without asking for any further details.
  • However, the profile setting and completion has a set of questionnaires that help in finding the potential matches according to the preferences.
  • The authenticity factor is low as you only need a Facebook account to sign up and get laid out there.

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Wrapping Up

Hook Up Apps For Open Relationships Live

Online Dating Sites and Hook Up Apps have got much popularity in recent times. The reason is that they are serving their purpose well. You cannot decide which is good and which is not until you try them once.

Hook Up Apps For Open Relationships On Instagram

There are many hookup apps nowadays that can get you matches with whom you can lay down. You need to decide according to your needs and desires which one is the best for you. So, get up and get laid.